Product FAQ

Got Questions? We’ve Got the Answers – Check Them Out Here!

1. Data Handling and Integration

  • How do you manage my data ingestion?
    We make it easy! Our platform connects directly to your data sources, automating the whole process so you can focus on the results. And the best part? You can manage it all in-house, no extra help needed!

  • Can I connect your platform with my existing data sources or APIs?
    Absolutely! Fund Recs integrates smoothly with your existing data sources and APIs, so everything works together without a hitch.

  • Are there any file types you don't support?
    Nope! We support all file types to keep things as flexible as possible for you.

2. Security and Compliance

  • How do you keep my data secure?
    Your security is our top priority! We use encryption, access controls, and follow all the latest industry standards to keep everything locked down. Want the details? Check out more info here.

  • How do you make sure my data stays separate from other clients' data?
    No mix-ups here! We’ve got strict segregation measures in place to make sure your data stays completely isolated and secure.

  • What security certifications do you have?
    We’ve got all the industry-standard certifications to keep your data safe and sound. You can dig into the specifics here.

  • How do you handle my login and authentication details?
    We keep your login info safe with advanced methods like multi-factor authentication. Want the nitty-gritty? You can find more info here.

3. User Management and Access

  • How can I manage user access and permissions in the platform?
    You’ve got full control! Our platform makes it easy to manage who has access to what, keeping everything secure and compliant.

  • Is there a way to track what users are doing on the platform?
    Absolutely! Our audit trail keeps a log of all user activities, so you can stay on top of things with full transparency and security.

4. Support and Maintenance

  • How does Fund Recs' support work?

We’ve got your back – no bots, just real people! Our team is available 24/7 to offer you hands-on, real-time help. Whether you need a quick fix or more in-depth assistance, our dedicated experts are here to make sure everything runs smoothly. No chatbots, no frustrating waits – just the answers you need when you need them.

  • How do I get help if I run into a problem?

Easy! Just hit the in-app support button, tell us your problem or question, and even drop a link to the page you’re on. We’ll take it from there and solve your issue in real time. You relax, we’ll do the heavy lifting.

  • What kind of response can I expect?

Quick and effective! Our team prides itself on fast, reliable solutions. No matter the issue, big or small, we’ll make sure you’re taken care of, so you can get back to what matters. Need help? We’re already on it!

  • How often do you update the platform, and will I be informed about it?

Regular updates keep our platform cutting-edge, and we make sure you're always informed by email and in app notifications.

5. Scalability and Reliability

  • How will the platform grow with my business?
    No worries – Fund Recs is built to grow right alongside you. Whether you're just starting out or scaling up fast, our platform adjusts to keep things running smoothly and efficiently, no matter how big you get.

  • How do you handle backups and disaster recovery?
    We’ve got you covered! Our team has solid backup and disaster recovery plans in place to protect your data. If something unexpected happens, we’ll have you back up and running in no time – no stress needed.

6. Platform Capabilities and Flexibility

  • Are your solutions customizable?
    Absolutely! You can tweak our solutions to fit your exact needs – no coding required. Whether it’s asset types, data sources, or reconciliation criteria, you’ve got full control to make it work for you.

  • How do your solutions enhance operational efficiency?
    We take the boring stuff off your plate! By automating manual tasks, cutting down on human errors, and giving you real-time data insights, we free up your team to focus on managing exceptions and bigger-picture, strategic tasks.

  • How do your solutions handle exception management?
    We’ve got exceptions covered! Our solutions automate the routine, flag discrepancies, and give you actionable insights so you can resolve issues fast. That way, your reconciliation process stays smooth and hassle-free.

  • Do I need to be tech-savvy to use your solutions?
    Not at all! Our solutions are super user-friendly with no-code features, so you can easily set up workflows and manage processes without needing to be a tech wizard. No steep learning curve, just smooth sailing!

  • Can your solutions be integrated with other systems?
    You bet! Our solutions play nice with all sorts of accounting systems, data repositories, and broker platforms, ensuring seamless data flow across your business. Integration’s a breeze!

  • What kind of reconciliation processes can your solutions handle?
    Pretty much anything! From cash movements to position data, investor transactions, and custom workflows, our platform handles it all. With Fusion Recs, you can customize exactly what data points you want to compare, giving you the flexibility to manage any reconciliation process, no matter your industry.

SOC logo

Fund Recs SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant

Fund Recs System and Organization Controls (SOC) Type 2 Report is an independent third-party examination report that demonstrates how Fund Recs achieves key compliance controls and objectives. The purpose of the report is to help you and your auditors understand the Fund Recs controls established to support operations and compliance. Our SOC 2 Type 2 report is available on demand. 

ISO 27001:2013

Fund Recs is ISO 27001:2013 certified

ISO 27001:2013 (the current version of ISO 27001) provides a set of standardised requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The standard adopts a process based approach for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, maintaining, and improving your ISMS.

Data Encryption

Data Encryption

Data is encrypted in transit and at rest. All data over the web is transmitted via HTTPS, a secure encryption protocol and data is stored in encrypted format using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). All client data is fully segregated on separate database instances.

Enterprise Security

Enterprise Security

Fund Recs incorporates several Enterprise grade security features including:

  • Multi-factor Authentication
  • Single Sign On available (SSO)
Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Fund Recs has regular penetration tests carried out by a certified independent vendor.

Security Updates

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About Amazon Web Services Security & Compliance

About SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance

About ISO 27001 certification

About Multi-factor Authentication

About Single Sign On (SSO)

About Penetration Testing