About Fund Recs

We are the doing platform for funds

Automate data workflows and reconciliations in the financial services industry.

About us

Meet the Team Behind the Magic – Get to Know Us Better!

A message from our CEO


When we started Fund Recs, our mission was simple: make reconciliation less painful. 

As founders, we had first-hand experience of the often tedious and error-prone tasks of moving and matching data, and we knew we weren’t alone. Asset managers, fund administrators, auditors – they all faced this same problem on a daily basis.  

We saw an opportunity to use technology to build a reliable and scalable reconciliation solution. With client input and ideas, we achieved our early vision of 'Straight through Recs'. Today, Fund Recs is way more than just a reconciliation solution. 

It’s the doing platform for funds. 

We help automate entire workflows, providing a seamless and scalable solution that integrates with your existing systems. From file normalisation to regulatory oversight for EMIR, we’ve designed our platform to handle all your operational workflows. 

We understand that no two firms are the same, and that’s why we’ve made our software flexible and customisable. Whether you're managing tens, hundreds or thousands of funds, we provide the tools to make your data processes more efficient and transparent. 

We are always looking for ways to innovate, but one thing has never changed: our dedication to customer service. We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients, working in close partnership to ensure our solutions are tailored to their specific needs. Achieving successive quarters of 95%+ Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) isn’t the reason we’re here, but it’s a helpful way of measuring the impact of our Brand. 

Your success is our success, and we take pride in the trust you place in us. 

As we continue to grow, we’re excited about the future and the new ways we’ll help transform the way the industry works. AI and machine learning are helping super charge our automation initiatives and we're excited to share what we've been working on. 

We believe that by combining cutting-edge technology with deep industry expertise, we can continue to bring innovation to the reconciliation and workflow automation space. 

To our clients past and present, thank you for being a part of our journey. To our future clients? Join the doing platform and let’s build together.  

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CEO, Fund Recs

Meet the Team

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We’re hiring!

Join us in shaping the future of fund data. 

Fund Recs Community

Adminovate Conference

Adminovate is a full-day forum that unites fintech startups, fund administration professionals, and industry experts to share insights and explore the future of the industry. Held at Trinity College Dublin, the event promotes innovation and independent thinking in a diverse and inclusive environment.

In addition to advancing the industry, Adminovate gives back by raising funds for basis.point and TAP: Trinity Access Programmes, supporting education and opportunities for underrepresented communities.

Join us at Adminovate to connect with industry leaders, discover new trends, and contribute to meaningful change.



basis.point is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged communities across Ireland. By funding targeted educational programs and initiatives, basis.point creates lasting change, breaking the cycle of poverty and ensuring that every child can reach their full potential. Through collaboration with corporate partners and the financial services community, basis.point makes a significant impact on the lives of those who need it most.

TAP: Trinity Access Programmes

The Trinity Access Programmes (TAP) at Trinity College Dublin is committed to widening access to education for students from underrepresented backgrounds. TAP provides a range of supports, from mentoring to scholarships, helping students from disadvantaged areas achieve their academic goals. By empowering individuals to pursue higher education, TAP fosters a more inclusive society and helps bridge the gap in educational inequality.

Experience the power of our platform

Discover how our no code platform can revolutionise your data management and reconciliation process.